The significance of an effective circular system, less and less dependent on limited natural resources dealing with agriculture, food production, and bioeconomy is crucial. Challenges like environmental effect and economically irrational consumption habits producing increasing waste.

The increasing count of our population on earth skyrocketed the demand for food. The production and consumption of food have improved in effectiveness in numerous areas. Yet, they remain a huge source of waste for the planet and none can ensure the food supply in the future. In our modern society, we spend $1 for food and $2 for the impact on our society and the environment.

The food supply system operates in a way that requires more from natural resources than it gives back. This pattern creates increased pollution in the soil and water of the planet. To preserve soil health in the future, agriculture must switch from conventional methods, intense use of land, mono-cropping, blind use of synthetic chemical pesticides and fertilizers, to more regenerative farming methods.

Defined as an economy whereas food, supplies, and energy are acquired from renewable organic resources (land and waters), bioeconomy is regarded as a central element for sustainable development.

The bioeconomy includes various economic areas, academic systems, and fields of policy. It comprises the creation of renewable organic resources and re-purposing these resources and waste volumes into valuable goods such as food, bio-based products, and sustainable energy. From this perspective, bioeconomy is classified into various areas of the economy that create, process, and re-purpose renewable organic resources (agriculture, food, fishing, forestry, chemicals, bio-based materials, and energy).

On the other hand, we need to handle the complexity of the ecological system to conquer the effect on the ecosystem.

The AI technologies background could give the tools and methods that will assist scientists in endeavoring complexity, combining theory, and create effective mechanisms to solve the problems for our ecosystem.

In Greece, agriculture is a significant industry and also a pillar for the economy. Almost one-third of total exports are agricultural and associated goods. The sector contribution to the total GDP is 4.1%.

Yet, agriculture productivity in Greece is comparatively low related to the average EU economic zone. The main characteristic of the Greek agricultural production is the dominance of low capital investments and small family farms. Also a large portion (43%) of the utilization of mountainous or semi-mountainous areas. These contain significant challenges in applying modern agriculture methods to increase efficiency and improve the economy of scale.

Consequently, there is an increasing need for more innovative approaches that will protect and improve crop yield. AI steadily appearing as a solution for the technical evolution of the agriculture sector. Technologies like robotics in farming, crop and soil control systems, detailed and prescriptive analytics with anomaly charts for watering, fertilization, pest management. Also, predictive analytics for the development of data-driven yield models will be critical for the future of farming These technologies will contribute to both industrial growth and broader difficulties like the food overall supply system, the effect on the environment, and climate evolution.

Ahedd provides the core technologies for delivering important improvements to agricultural practices and organizations depending on agricultural and fishery production. It brings great expertise and experience in technologies like in-field sensing and monitoring, agricultural data analytics, process optimization, and robot navigation, which can be applied in the industry immediately.

Ahedd via FINT technologies is part of the biggest EU Research and Development project in IoT for Agrifood (IoF2020) in which the company will provide on-farm services and a digital ecosystem for post farm activities that will reach the final consumer. FINT also provides its IoT expertise to the newly established PRIMA initiative as a core partner of the MEDITOMATO project.

Relevant Market Sectors

• Crop & Livestock Primary Production
• Food Processing
• Bioproducts
• Retailers
• Agricultural Certification

Actions & Services

  • Sensor installation design
  • IoT monitoring
  • Drone Analytics
  • Big Data Management & Analytics
  • Farm Automation
  • Agricultural data recognition (plant diseases detection)

Business Partners

Artemis: Artemis – Aerosurvey is an engineering consulting company specialized in environmental research, support, and monitoring of technical infrastructure using cutting edge technology. Artemis invests significant funds in highly innovative tools for aerial mapping and remote sensing to monitor structures and phenomena.

SCiO: SCiO was founded by NCSR Demokritos researchers and aims to exploit state-of-the-art research results in Big Data Analysis to provide innovative, world-leading, bespoke services that morph data into meaningful answers. Its solutions cover multiple critical use cases of the sector like Crop and Land Monitoring, Yield Prediction, and Risk Assessment.

  • TÜV Austria Hellas
  • Ecoktima
  • RealFarm

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