SUSTAIN launches its Open Calls for SMEs

The SUSTAIN CluSter bUilding SmarT reAdiness INdicators project has recently launched its Open Calls, aiming to provide support for SMEs in addressing challenges within the smart building sector and facilitating the adoption of cutting-edge processes and technologies in construction. Through this financial support, SMEs will have the opportunity to develop new products, services or methods within the field and foster innovation within their organisations.

The first call is adapted to Innovation support [TRL 4-6] solutions and the proposed projects must align with topics related to Smart Readiness Indicators (SRI) coupled with technologies and concepts such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR), Building Information Modelling (BIM), Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), Building Energy Management System (BEMS), Internet of Things (IoT), Methodologies and Tools to Support Positive Energy Buildings (PEB) Construction/Renovation.

Smart Readiness Indicators (SRI) coupled with Artificial Intelligence

AI technologies can provide automated solutions for design, analysis, simulation, control, diagnosis, and the provision of dependable energy in the building industry. Advanced AI tools can efficiently allocate energy resources and manage supply and demand, ensuring cost-effective building operations. The benefits of AI are most profoundly realised in smart, energy-efficient buildings. Even greater benefits lie ahead, as smart buildings integrated with AI into connected communities will be able to interact in real time through power and water grids. The path to achieving this involves combining recent advances in SRI with AI technologies. By empowering software applications to analyse large datasets, identify patterns, detect anomalies, and make precise predictions, AI can create additional revenue opportunities for smart buildings.


Information for the applicants

The awarded SME (or SMEs Consortium) will have the opportunity to receive funding of up to 50.000€. To submit your proposal, please follow the link The deadline for the application submission is the 1st of November.

To support in preparing your application, you can access the Guide for Applicants and view a video focusing on the eligibility requirements, the thematic areas covered, the evaluation criteria and the submission procedure through the SUSTAIN digital platform.

SUSTAIN in brief

The SUSTAIN project consists of 5 members from 3 European countries: the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), project coordinator, the IsZEB Cluster and ahedd Digital Innovation Hub, NCSR Demokritos from Greece, the Clúster de l’Energia Eficient de Catalunya from Spain and the Green Tech Cluster Latvia.

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