ahedd is now part of the European Federation of Data Driven Innovation Hubs (EUHubs4Data-EUH4D)

ahedd was ranked 4th out of the 25 DIHs evaluated in the Open Call for DIHs launched by the European Federation of Data Driven Innovation Hubs (EUHubs4Data – EUH4D) and was selected for funding. The evaluation assessed ahedd in terms of Infrastructure and Technology, Services, Projects and Sectors, Ecosystems and Collaborations and Business Strategy and pointed out that it is a DIH with a lot of potential that is investing to achieve the ambition to be an EU Leader and that its positioning and offering is quite impressive.

As part of the EU4HD ecosystem (kick-off 29/9/2021), ahedd will support experiments by providing its specialised services to SMEs and benefit from

  • Access to knowledge, data sharing and data space techniques, and implementation practices and experience.
  • Close connection and collaboration with other relevant DIHs in Europe.
  • A complete ecosystem and the future European federation of data-driven DIHs.
  • Increased international visibility and improvement of service offering.
  • Added value to local ecosystems of SMEs, access to a complete portfolio of services, data and training programs.
  • Verifiable visibility at European level.
  • Participation at events and other additional relevant activities.
  • Financial support

About EUHubs4Data

EUHubs4Data aims to actively contribute to the alignment of existing European initiatives towards the common objective of mobilizing, sharing and making available all types of data (close/open, personal/industrial, private/public, research…), in order to get value from them, foster the data-driven innovation in Europe, and contribute to the creation of the Common European Data Spaces.

To this end, EUhubs4Data will create a solid ecosystem, bringing together relevant European initiatives around the data economy, fostering collaboration among those initiatives towards common objectives, attracting SMEs and start-ups to use and benefit from the federated services and data sources, and raising awareness in society about the benefits of data-driven innovation.

EUH4D Community Map

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