The next talk in the series of monthly business talks titled AI Industry Connect Talks was held on Wednesday 13 April 2022 at 2pm (Athens). This month, we hosted Pollfish with invited speaker Dr Anastasios Skarlatidis, Director of Data Engineering and Science.
Talk title: Pollfish Survey Platform for Market Research
Abstract: Pollfish is the only DIY market research provider with an end-to-end solution, focusing on a mobile-first approach and delivering real-time responses from more than 250 million real consumers around the world. Pollfish platform offers a broad distribution network, narrow targeting and access to advanced market research methods. In this talk we present how Pollfish uses Big Data technologies and Data Science methods to deliver advanced market research techniques such as Conjoint Analysis and MaxDiff. Furthermore, we present how Pollfish employs statistical analysis, optimisation techniques, machine learning and event processing to provide insights and improve the quality of collected responses in real-time.
The AI Industry Connect Talks series was launched in March 2021 by SKEL | The Artificial Intelligence Lab, Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications at NCSR Demokritos and is supported by ahedd Digital Innovation Hub. Through this series of talks, we aim to bring AI innovation to the forefront and inform wider audiences of the endless possibilities. Domain professionals tell us how the Industry applies scientific results in real-life.
A Q&A session follows the presentations. The sessions are live-streamed via Zoom and on YouTube.
[See all previous talks in the dedicated webpage here – [Marine Traffic, Contexity, Causaly, Atypon, Lifebit, JADBio, Elsevier, Qualco, Behavioral Signals, SCiFY, Purposeful, Omilia]