ahedd is now part of the DIH4CPS network

ahedd was one of the 8 DIHs selected through the DIH4CPS 2nd Open Call and the 1st Greek DIH to join the network as part of a broadened consortium of 34 DIHs. The DIHs all have a strong regional foundation and are role models for the transfer of research results into the industrial practice of regional SMEs and MidCaps. These DIHs demonstrate their capacity to assist European Start-ups, SMEs and Mid-Caps paving the way for innovative products or services with advanced digital technologies in the field of Cyber-Physical and Embedded Systems (CPES).

ahedd will provide the DIH4CPS network with new capabilities and reinforce the existing consortium. ahedd will reinforce and build on the work of the existing consortium as well as provide novel capacities and dissemination actions.


The initiative for Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in Cyber-Physical Systems of European SMEs (DIH4CPS) will help European enterprises overcome innovation hurdles and establish Europe as a world-leading innovator of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

DIH4CPS will create an embracing, interdisciplinary network of DIHs and solution providers, focused on cyber-physical and embedded systems, interweaving knowledge and technologies from different domains, and connecting regional clusters with the pan-European expert pool of DIHs. Backed by the IVLab, an experienced and well-established network organisation focused on Interoperability, DIH4CPS can innately build on an extensive existing network, add value to its existing knowledge transfer capabilities and guarantee the sustainability of the growing DIH network.

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