The European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) 2022 “At the Heart of the Ecosystem for Data and AI” took place on 21-23 November in Prague, Czech Republic. The Forum brought together industry professionals, business developers, researchers and policy-makers from all over Europe and other regions of the world to advance policy actions, and industrial and research activities in the areas of Data and AI. The EBDVF was organised by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA).
Periklis Terlixidis, Operating officer of ahedd DIH joined the conference and the ceremony for the European Data Innovation Spaces. ahedd has been awarded the Gold Data Innovation Space (i-Space) label since 2021, as a recognition of the maturity and potential impact of its efforts towards big data adoption and AI-based innovation across all domains within European industry.
About BDVA
BDVA, is an industry-driven international not-for-profit organisation with over 230 members all over Europe. BDVA focuses on enabling the digital transformation of the economy and society through Data and Artificial Intelligence by advancing in areas such as big data and AI technologies and services, data platforms and data spaces, Industrial AI, data-driven value creation, standardisation, and skills. BDVA grants a label for European Data Innovation Spaces and Hubs to help drive forward Big Data adoption and AI-based innovation across all domains within European industry. The label is granted in three grades: Bronze, Silver and Gold. These grades are aligned with the maturity and potential impact of the candidates in five main domains: Excellence of infrastructure, Quality of Services, Projects and sectors, Impact to Eco System and Business model.