ahedd at the kick-off meeting of smartHEALTH EDIH

On January 26th and 27th, 2023, the partners of smartHEALTH EDIH met at the premises of FORTH, the Foundation for Research and Technology in Heraklion, Crete for the kick-off meeting of the Hub.

The European Digital Innovation Hub smartHEALTH is a one-stop-shop where SMEs, startups, mid-caps, and the public sector can get help to improve business & production processes, products & services though the use of digital technology. The hub offers highly specialized expertise in the flagship areas of precision medicine, cancer, public sector digital transformation and infrastructure. This expertise is established through R&D excellence at national and international level. smartHEALTH brings together all the main R&I leaders of the Greek ecosystem in the field of digital and smart health to facilitate the digital transformation of the private and public sector.

ahedd DIH participates in the project along with SKEL The AI lab, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications and more specifically the Biomedical and Health Informatics Team (BioHIT), with a focus on machine learning, data mining and knowledge representation, applied to biomedical and health data, and the Data Engineering Group (DEG), which focuses on AI for automatically optimizing operations over heterogeneous data and Big Data.

Denia Kanellopoulou, ahedd DIH and Natasa Krithara, SKEL The AI lab attended the kick-off meeting, during which next steps were planned and goals were set for the first year of its operation.

smartHEALTH is co-funded by the EU Digital Europe Programme 2021-2027 and has been approved by the European Commission along with Smart Attica, that is coordinated by ahedd, GR digiGOV-innoHUB and Digi AgriFood from Greece.

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