Amongst the goals that have been set for ahedd is the Transformation of the NCSR Demokritos Campus into a smart city ecosystem that will act as a test-bed for experimentation of IoT sensors and platforms and data analytics provision.
In this light, collaborations have been formed with Fuelics, a spin-off of NCSR Demokritos specialising in IoT sensor development, water-meter sensors and NBIoT loggers which have been installed at NCSR Demokritos to measure in real-time water consumption and non-revenue water monitoring.
Another major goal of ahedd is the creation of AI pioneers in the world of business by transferring the cutting-edge expertise of IIT Labs to executives, therefore creating innovation clusters that will pave the way to digital transformation.
To this end, ahedd as a Digital Skills development enabler, hosted an executive AI workshop for Obko, a FinTech startup. In this workshop, SKEL collaborating researchers Dr. George Giannakopoulos and Dr. Aris Kosmopoulos provided expert hands-on training on AI techniques and data-driven applications, setting the grounds for a strategic AI-enabled company roadmap.
ahedd participated in the Big-Data Value Association (BDVA) Activity Group Meetings and helped to shape the Strategic, Research, Innovation and Deployment Agenda (SRIDA) which was presented at the end of September 2020.