NCSR Demokritos collaborates with 5G Ventures

NCSR Demokritos launched a collaboration with 5GVentures aiming to shape the ecosystem for the development of new-age digital services in Greece. In that context, entrepreneurs located in the Lefkippos – Attica Technology Park, as well as start-ups and spin-offs of NCSR Demokritos will be able to be evaluated and receive funding from the Phaistos Investment Fund.

NCSR Demokritos is participating through ahedd Digital Innovation Hub and the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, which will assist the selected companies by providing incubation and acceleration services, such as:

  • exploitation of its 5G testbeds
  • development of new testbeds for application, service and technology testing
  • access to libraries & databases as well as to the ecosystem of ahedd and Lefkippos.

The two parties will exchange information on technological and scientific know-how, as well as best practices focusing on open innovation models and on business ecosystem development. Indicative activities being pursued are:

  • Business consulting
  • Workshops and seminars on entrepreneurship, investments, technology exploitation, product/service development, marketing and sales
  • Networking & collaborations among enterprises, industry and NCSR Demokritos
  • Access to investment funds and private investors.

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