October 05, 2022

AI & Computer Vision in the Agri-Food Sector | A case study of DIH4CPS

CPS4AGRI is an application experiment, developed in the context of the DIH4CPS project. This solution is going to help attract and accelerate the digitalisation of the agri-food sector by using computer vision together with artificial intelligence techniques and information provided by CPS. These technologies and applications will help to quickly detect diseases in crops and increase productivity rates. All of the information supplied by the sensors will be monitored and analysed using a powerful dashboard that will make it possible to interact with the watering systems and the pesticides. The solution is totally scalable and easily replicable.

Camp Mallorquí is providing the land and a variety of different almond trees for the experiment. AnySolution will develop an algorithm and supply the NADIA IoT platform and Turistec will contribute to the digitalisation and visibility of the experiment.

The Problem

Losses caused by diseases and infestations in the agri-food sector represent a significant amount of the costs that are borne by the producing companies. Currently Camp Mallorquí is growing four different types of almond trees and until now they have been using a range of different preventive systems. The latter are expensive and entail the use of chemical products that end up affecting the products and indirectly human beings themselves. By using computer vision with the data provided by the sensors, they will be able to quickly detect diseases and infestations that affect almond trees and therefore avoid having to use pesticides all the time, and only for certain treatments; and this will also help to increase productivity rates.

The Solution

The application of CPEs and Artificial Intelligence through computer vision. Installation of cameras and sensors. Connection to LoraWAn and mobile networks for data sending. Use of the NADIA IoT platform to collect and analyse information. Visualisation of the information on dashboards to improve decision making and monitor efficiently.

The expected results of the experiment are the following:

  • More digitalisation in the agri-food sector;
  • Definition of the architecture and smart system to be implemented based on the NADIA platform;
  • Design of a dashboard that fulfills Camp Mallorquí’s requirements and needs;
  • Pass on the results of the project to first and second level cooperatives in the Balearic Islands;
  • Generate awareness and widespread the role of digitalisation and new technologies have in the agri-food sector’s digital transformation.


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