ahedd and SEV collaborate to foster innovation in Greece

ahedd and the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises – SEV jointly commit to collaborate systematically to support the commercial and business exploitation of research results and scientific know-how of NCSR “Demokritos” researchers and foster Research & Development (R&D) collaborations with SEV’s members. The goal of this partnership is to grow the Greek research and innovation ecosystem through the exchange of information, consulting and networking activities with enterprises and the creation of technology spin-offs.

More specifically, the partnership will entail activities such as:

  • Networking of the researchers with enterprises to foster R&D collaborations and promote the exploitation of research results and scientific know-how
  • Promotion of the advanced services and specialised scientific know-how that NCSR “Demokritos” can offer to the industry
  • Creation of an Industrial Fellowship Program

About SEV

SEV has consistently fostered business development in Greece since 1907. SEV plays a leading role in the country’s transformation into a productive, outward-looking and competitive economy with its broad membership, including 400 of the largest corporations in Greece. It is the independent voice of businesses, representing a broad spectrum of the country’s economic activity, including manufacturing and services. SEV works with government, social partners and policymakers to shape conditions that foster entrepreneurship, advance business and drive economic growth.

What people said

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"Our common goal is to encourage technology transfer, knowledge exchange and appropriate skills as the main prerequisites for the promotion of innovation and its exploitation by businesses. This partnership agreement aims to support researchers and businesses successfully overcome this era's challenges, the technological transformation of the industry and the actual empowerment of young people.">

E. Vidalis, Chairman of SEV’s Executive Committee
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"We salute with enthusiasm the new Partnership Agreement and we are ready to work hard for its success. Outstanding conditions are created for the promotion of innovation in Greece with joint actions for the transfer of technology from public labs to businesses, for digital innovation that will transform Greek enterprises and for pioneering industrial fellowship programs.">

Dr. G. Nounesis, Director of NCSR “Demokritos”

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