ahedd’s ecosystem develops products and services in the following domains (indicatively):
- Monitoring, evaluation, risk assessment.
- Applications: Public sentiment detection, crises/opportunities identification, satisfaction measurement, open consultations analysis
- Communication management.
- Applications: Impact assessment of news items or campaigns, speech analytics and emotion recognition
- Customer analysis and predictive sales optimisation.
- Applications: Personalised recommendations
- Intelligent knowledge management.
- Applications: Automated question answering & chatbots, content retrieval
- Data management and enrichment.
- Applications: Anonymisation, automated classification of documents, archives, videos, music, etc.
- Information summarisation.
- Applications: Document/comments/video/music summarisation, trend identification, decision support
- Environment, energy, safety, security.
- Applications: Smart cities/buildings, industrial automation, predictive maintenance, automatic surveillance etc.
- Robotics software components.
- Applications: UAV/UGV inspection, assistive robotics, robotic arm teleoperation, collaborative pick-and-place, et al.