Industry: Agriculture & Bio-economy

Climate risk assessment for agriculture insurance using Big Data and AI

In the context of the EUH4D project, Amigo, an Italian SME providing climate services such as climate analysis, risk assessment, and design of climate indices., cooperates with ahedd, CINECA, and ITI DIHs in order to conduct ClimateByte, an application experiment that t...

AI & Computer Vision in the Agri-Food Sector | A case study of DIH4CPS

CPS4AGRI is an application experiment, developed in the context of the DIH4CPS project. This solution is going to help attract and accelerate the digitalisation of the agri-food sector by using computer vision together with artificial intelligence techniques and informa...

A Robotics Application in Agriculture

An important challenge in viticulture is the effective treatment application in steep slope vineyards; such vineyards account for 10% – 12% of European viticulture land area and produce some of the highest value wines. Current practices use air-blast systems for treatme...

Drone Applications for Agriculture

It is known that, in the last years, drone applications in projects across the globe have boomed. More specifically PricewaterhouseCoopers estimates the global market for drone applications at $127.3 billion (2016). These studies forecast that consumption of agricult...